Monday, March 2, 2015

Learn Something

Today I learned that with the journal topic about how certain people tend to take a very long time to get certain places and how others are practically sprinting towards their next class or wherever they are going. Well what I've noticed is that usually in the morning many people tend to start out very slowly because they are all tired and just want to get through the day. Whereas as the day goes on and we head into lunch, it's like the 100 dash where people are literally sprinting to get to either the cafeteria or the lunch carts, some will stop at no reason whatsoever to get their stupid lunch. plus you also get the idiots who are walking in the hallway dragging their feet when all of the sudden, they suddenly decide to stop on the middle of the hallway and talk to their friends or some other person. That's what I notice whenever I walk through the halls.

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