Monday, June 8, 2015

Final Academy Question

Chase Kelly

-Chase's presentation is obviously on rap and lyricism, was set to perform with his group at Pozo, constantly got inspiration from different aspiring rap artists around him and how he still uses this are of the Central Coast as a platform for his music
-Still working on the sound engineering aspect of the song and also maybe even try and pursue a different element of creativity and producing his own music and beats.
-The element of POW (Prisoner of Words) in a sense we are all a prisoner of our own words and in order to convey our emotions we need to write it down and perform it for those to see.

Grants' Presentation

-Talks about his farming company and how he's been grown into that lifestyle and how he plans to take over his father's company and then talks about how they strive to want to get more local produce into our grocery stores and markets.
-How does the effect of the drought have an impact on the business, it effects not only the farm itself but the product that it produces, such as buying hay from Nipomo that was irrigated.

Cristian Marquezs' Presentation

-Welding, Cristian has been involved in welding through his Dad who is a welder talks about the different types of welding with the more common styles
-Maybe not something that he wants to get into for the long run but if he did then he would go into something dealing with the oil platforms.

Maddis' Presentation

-Maddi's video was represented as sometimes the little things that we take for granted in life whether that would be just as simple as hanging with friends in a place that makes everyone feel like they're at home
-Video shows how when to get away from all of the distractions that we create that moment of release in a sense where we don't have to be afraid about how we can act around those that we feel more comfortable around rather than being in an area

Leandros' Presentation

-We have another presentation on cutting hair with Leandro and as we start the beginning Isaiah interacts with how they seem to both have different ideas on how they view cutting hair Isaiah view cutting hair as a passion and something that he strives to live for every single day whereas Leandro sees it completely different, his view is more shifted towards something that he does just to pass the time

Edwins' presentation

-Art and literature and the similarities that the two fields can have when they are intertwined
-When I look at other people's artwork I get excited by the creativity that can be made with just very simple materials
-Choose to take these photos while in art galleries in Las Vegas because of their appeal to him

Kyras' Presentation

-Goal is to create a place where homeless people can go and apply for jobs and help them get back onto their feet and to give them a new opportunity. When she views a homeless person she never feels that they were out there because of maybe a possible drug problem but rather then maybe just unfortunate life changing events that can maybe force someone to end up on the streets

Antonios' presentaton

-Something that happened at an early age, when he was living in Mexico his schoolmates knew that he was born in the United States yet went to school in Mexico and the opposite happened when he returned to the United States and was speaking more Spanish because of his education in Mexico.
-Goes into the history of where racism of different ethnic groups originated from Mexicans, to Japanese and Irish
-Watched a video on how racism even involves professional soccer players dealing with having racist chants or even racist motions towards him.
-Even incidents involving the police with the case of Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Antonio Zambrano, and Walter Scott

Alexia's Presentation

-Sound engineer, what does a sound engineer do, basically it helps adjust the aspect of the song in order to enhance the sound quality
-Many famous sound editors include those who have worked with the Beatles, Iggy Pop and The Ramones
-When becoming a sound usually you tend to get a creative insight as to how different aspects of the industry whether it be sound or video or editing in any way
-The second part of her presentation had to deal with her sexual assault when she was young and talked about the factors that can contribute to a traumatic event that happened so young into her life

Rayanns' Presentation

-Went through a lot of various possibilities of just what to do for her masterpiece, she first went through possible of doing cosmetology, then went into nursing and then finally came into her choice of choosing her dog
-Dog has epilepsy which is a brain disorder which tends to cause seizures to happen, when they first realized that she has epilepsy they tried to get her on medications yet they just made her seize even more, then unfortunately the doctors weren't able to give a proper diagnosis so therefore she now has to watch and care for her dog while it's having seizures

Morgans' "Project Phoenix

-Starting out with how Morgan had adjusted from doing her presentation on from costume design to story-telling to finally just drawing a bunch of pictures usually anything that comes to mind
-She then talks about how having ADHD tended to influence how she would randomly just out of nowhere just start drawing mainly different characters and even at times would just start drawing things that usually would reflect her personality and her sense of style

Ashleys' Presentation

-CUPCAKES, CUPCAKES, CUPCAKES if only I thought that a Monday on dead week was going to be horrible but instead we were all delighted to be eating something that almost everyone can enjoy. Cupcakes, Ashley's presentation started with Chase talking about how his Dad had studied in one of most elite culinary courses in world at Le Cordon Blu in France where his "speciality" was Italian cuisine and was more into ethnic food
-She then discusses about how she was offered an internship at Las Vegas hotel at the "Wynn" and is still deciding whether or not to accept the offer

Megans' Presentation

-Marine Biology, how do the actions that we cause effect our ecosystem and the ocean itself, where she first became interested in the subject from 6th grade to now, doesn't always focus all of her attention on marine biology yet focuses on the science field itself
-"Water and air the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans"

Friday, May 29, 2015

Brigettes' Masterpiece (Children and Divorce)

-Original goal was to create a support group for anyone whose family is going through a divorce or whose family is going through yet soon realized that this is a tough subject for most people to talk about because no one ever wants to discuss what's wrong with their parents or their family in general
-When going through a divorce at a young age you tend to get expose to a different type of lifestyle whether it's about whose house to go to for family parties or celebrations rather than which parent am I living with
-Even dealing with parents who have both re-married that creates a different living environment, having to adjust to your new parents gives you a completely different perspective on growing up

Justin Torpens' Masterpiece (Rangers)

-Hoping to achieve goal of serving his country by becoming an Army Ranger, one of the more elite group that are branched within the military, where there main goal is to never give up on a mission whether or not the mission seems impossible to achieve and/or accomplish
-Feels that school and the Army rangers are the same in many ways that usually include, being told what to and not being able to think for themselves, YET one huge difference is that they are willing to except the physical demands and are even willing to put themselves in front of a bullet or whether we is made to ultimately kill them. That's what strives Justin to want to head in this direction

Thursday, May 21, 2015


-motivation is when you have the passion and the commitment to be able to do something that you strongly care about
-When you have an intrinsic motivation you maybe tend to think about something that you love yet you hold back from doing this activity. An extrinsic motivation is when you go out and act on that desire for this motivation, this is why for most people extrinsic motivation always seems to be more effective because you're expressing how you feel
-When it comes to another person's interests its important to know when they are dealing with a conflict because then you're able to really understand how this person is feeling about this conflict and what steps are they taking to be able to find the solution to their conflict. This can also be referred to as theoretical construct

-Ambiguity is when the author wants us to get an understanding for a certain character, to give us "the reader" an idea of how they see certain things.
-Such as Bernard in "Brave New World", the author clearly has showed us that Bernard is nt your normal everyday person in this universe, he's extremely hesitant when it came to having to engage in what can best be described as "sexual play with the other naked children.

Caitlin's Masterpiece Project

-Photography is something that is more than maybe they even realize, a photo is a lot more than just a picture, they tend to convey a much bigger idea
-They include pictures from both basketball, football and with the death of Breanna Rodriguez and really start to intertwine into this really big idea of FAMILY.
-Pictures tend to take a different path from where you started and to where you are today, they tell a story that's not only about you but the journey that you are going to taken all throughput your entire life.
-Most pictures in general also tend to convey a certain message whether it'd be about hope, love, happiness or really the entire spectrum of emotion.
-Author's tone tends to give the reader a sense of emotion that we all wait for because no one wants to read a story without having any emotion, otherwise we lose focus and our interest simply just goes away
-What is one thing that made us want to become interested in the project itself, whether it would be about the memorial to Breanna Rodriguez, or the rally for the Powder Puff football game

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Ethan's Masterpiece presetation

I may not understand anything that has to do with video games, or anything that relates to the online world and YouTube. Yet in some weird way, you can use this to make your masterpiece, by doing this he's able to show how "League of Legends" or "Super Mario Smash Brothers". Can turn maybe from a pastime activity to a hobby and then to something that turns into a masterpiece. That's why these masterpiece presentations tend to show how we can turn something as simple from an online game into something that can lead to a job or a possible future.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Ethos: the character of a person that is speaking (appearance, context) identity of speaker and how we can relate that matters in communication 
Pathos: the passion and emotion that a speaker can bring to the conversation, also a way in which we can be influenced 
Logos: combination of different logical fallacies 

President John F. Kennedys speech 

-The president of the the Unitrd States who is a prominent figure, received a positive reception, had a prepared and planned out speech 
-Promoted a sense of promoting future advancements in technology
-Emphasis on the importance of space development by hoping to go to the moon and beyond
-Determined to these certain tasks, while having a strong faith 
-Recognizes the achievements made by the Space Program already, yet is realistic in saying that the best is yet to come, lastly the president is happy about the process being made to buy space orbitals and satellites, instead of using foreign products  
-"We choose to do these things not because they are easy, but because they are hard 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


1. Ad Hominine: Responding to any argument attacking a person's character than the content of the argument

2. Circular Reasoning: When someone argues a certain point that they're trying to emphasize by trying to make by supporting it. Other reasons include that they are trying to support their original point.

3. Ad Nauseum: Making an argument by repetition, saying the same thing over and over again.

4. Appeal to Ignorance: Arguing that something is true just because it hasn't been proven false.

5. Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: "With this because of this", just because two things happened together doesn't mean that they're related.

6. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: Just because something happens after another event doesn't mean that the first event caused the second event.

7. Slippery Slope: "If I do it for you, I'll have to do this fro everybody else." Assuming that if you give one person a point you must then have to give that point back in turn.

8. Straw Man: Putting mans words into someone else's mouth (that someone may or may not exist), for the purpose of exaggerating or distorting the opposing viewpoint.

9. Non-sequiter: Something that doesn't go in sequence, an illogical loop to an unrelated topic or idea.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Because I said so!

This should be more helpful towards Period 7, but your journal topic today really ties into everything that we are discussing today. The reply "because I said so" usually isn't something that we tend to use in an argument, usually we tend to cuss each other out and continue to keep doing that until eventually someone gives up and walks away. We also learn new terms that tie into what we watched when we saw Jiro's dream of sushi video.

Monday, March 2, 2015


Jiro to me is probably one of the most hardworking yet dedicated person that I've ever seen in my life. To be working so hard and still wanting to perform at his very best at his age is something that you'll see once in a lifetime. I've met plenty of people over the years who take pride and accomplishment in what they do but I probably won't ever see anyone as committed to their work as Jiro is. Even at Jiro's age he could've retired nearly twenty years ago and lived a happy life but as we saw in the video this is something that he's worked to perfect for his entire life and yet he still feels like he can get better and better every single day. Jiro doesn't do this job for the money, he really couldn't care less about the high achievement that his restaurant has achieved. His passion is what keeps him going and that is something that usually fades away as we get older, we get to that certain point where we believe that as we get older are dreams become no longer relevant. For myself there isn't one thing other than the sport I play yet don't think that I could achieve feel the same way about tennis as Jiro does about making sushi as odd as that may sound. To end I'm using a quote from the brilliant mind or Mark Zuckerburg about passion "If you just want to work on stuff that you like and are passionate about, you don't have to have a master plan of how things will play out."

Learn Something

Today I learned that with the journal topic about how certain people tend to take a very long time to get certain places and how others are practically sprinting towards their next class or wherever they are going. Well what I've noticed is that usually in the morning many people tend to start out very slowly because they are all tired and just want to get through the day. Whereas as the day goes on and we head into lunch, it's like the 100 dash where people are literally sprinting to get to either the cafeteria or the lunch carts, some will stop at no reason whatsoever to get their stupid lunch. plus you also get the idiots who are walking in the hallway dragging their feet when all of the sudden, they suddenly decide to stop on the middle of the hallway and talk to their friends or some other person. That's what I notice whenever I walk through the halls.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Yesterday/Journal Topic

Yesterday with Mr. J being our sub basically didn't do anything at all except for responding to the journal topic which I'm about to do right now. If Holden Caulfield had walked into this room right now I'm sure that at this point I would probably be used to his tardiness yet still give him a sarcastic answer as to why he may be late. Similar to how Dr. Preston would respond if Chase would walk into class late any other day. Holden is the type of person who would probably not really care about whether or not he showed up late to class or even if he went to class at all.

I'm Here!

Right now it's accurate to say that my blog is going in and out of a coma really because I was not a fan of doing this blog originally and for me it's safe to say that I'm still not on board with the whole idea of this blog and how it would "change our own idea of thinking." But that's purely my own opinion, I know that I need to post more about "The Catcher in the Rye" or responses to all of the chapters. Slowly I will start to get us to the idea of this blog despite the fact hat we are already past the halfway mark of the year.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Catcher in the Rye Chapter Presentations

Chapter 1: First of all I want to say what an amazing job that Morgan Ethan and Megan did in doing that wonderful presentation today on Chapter 1. Out of all the presentations other than the Chapter 8 presentations, this one will definitely stick out in my mind. In Chapter 1 we get introduced to Holden is a very unique character, we quickly expresses his view on his brother who everyone views him as a wonderful and successful businessman, yet to Holden he's viewed as a phony, cheat and a liar.

Chapter 3: We find that Holden has started to read three different books, (Return of the Native, Bondage and Out of Africa), these books seem to capitalize on Holden's feelings of wanting to escape and maybe explore the world. Holden appears to be someone who enjoys being obligated and is starting to show a deep affection for his mother yet at the same time seems very sarcastic. His history teaches uses a certain "fancy" word which instantly frustrates Holden.

Chapter 4: Holden and a new character Stratlater is introduced and right away we get a sense of some of Holdens' true feelings for those closest to him. For instance how he talks about Jane in a sense of affection, he also switches his emotions by saying how he feels that Stratlater is very lazy and isn't responsible.

Chapter 5: Starting to evolve into this bigger and more emotionally deep person

Chapter 7: Holden is heading into Mr. Ackley's room and reveals to him that he feels alone and that maybe he doesn't belong in society. He makes a point about Catholicism which hits a nerve with those that are around him at the time, which shows that he can be very insensitive about his thoughts and feelings as well as those around him.

Chapter 8: When Holden decides to head to the train station he runs into this older lady who asks him about his Pencey jacket and he replies that he used to go there and then the old woman talks about her son who currently goes there now and the more that she talks to him the more that Holden realizes that who she's talking about is a complete and utter douchebag who Holden doesn't hold back in revealing this to her. Later throughout the course of the train ride Holden wants to feel like an adult so he tries to ask the same old woman to buy him a cocktail, she refuses and then Holden goes into this long rant about how he has brain cancer and that he's going through all of this treatment when in reality he's just making up this story as he goes along.

Chapter 13: Holden is taking this incredibly long walk to this hotel where he is staying and throughout the walk is drinking this bottle of whiskey and when he finally arrives at the hotel he gets into the elevator and this guy comes up to him and asks if he wants to have this fling with a prostitute. Holden decides what the hell and accepts the offer, Holden is trying to make a statement by saying that he is up for whatever may happen. Finally the time comes and the prostitute shows and Holden comes to the conclusion that he can't go through with the deal and decides to back off and has to almost fight the prostitute to get out of his room and go away making him feel like a coward.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Chapter 6 (Pgs. 43-46)

From the first half of Chapter 6 we start to see how Holden is starting to show that he really cares for certain people, such as Jane his date as well as his brother. We then see Stratlater having a moment of unclarity when he punches the air and Holden even has a time lapse of events. In which eventually turns into an argument between both Stradlater and Holden. They seem to argue constantly over, Stratlater constantly is telling Holden to shut up and keep his mouth shut. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Music as Literature

Music is something that can send some sort of message to all of us, whether the song describes love, sadness, joy and peace. I like to think that music is a different form of literature. If you were to ask anyone they would most likely tell you that literature has to do with reading and books, however the literal meaning of literature is a body of written works of a certain culture or period of time. A novel is a fictitious narrative of great length, whereas a poem is a piece of writing which usually refers to the nature of speech. A song is a composition of words that have a various collaboration of instruments and voice. Rap is a form of a song that usually tends to rhyme. An opera is a dramatic act which is sung with great power, a symphony is a composition of musical instruments usually in an orchestra.