Wednesday, March 25, 2015


1. Ad Hominine: Responding to any argument attacking a person's character than the content of the argument

2. Circular Reasoning: When someone argues a certain point that they're trying to emphasize by trying to make by supporting it. Other reasons include that they are trying to support their original point.

3. Ad Nauseum: Making an argument by repetition, saying the same thing over and over again.

4. Appeal to Ignorance: Arguing that something is true just because it hasn't been proven false.

5. Cum Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: "With this because of this", just because two things happened together doesn't mean that they're related.

6. Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: Just because something happens after another event doesn't mean that the first event caused the second event.

7. Slippery Slope: "If I do it for you, I'll have to do this fro everybody else." Assuming that if you give one person a point you must then have to give that point back in turn.

8. Straw Man: Putting mans words into someone else's mouth (that someone may or may not exist), for the purpose of exaggerating or distorting the opposing viewpoint.

9. Non-sequiter: Something that doesn't go in sequence, an illogical loop to an unrelated topic or idea.

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