Sunday, December 21, 2014

Early Final Review

  • Ourselves, conflicts are never boring, conflicts happen everyday, conflicts are set up for people to fail and to create tension between one another.
  • In "Young Goodman Brown'' his perceptions of people for who they are, are completely destroyed by what he knows now.
  • Patience yet persistence, everyday people will do the good the bad and the so/so.
  • Sometimes by asking the questions that aren't always asked, by doing that you open up to a whole new "dimension" of opportunities
  • Emphasis on how we as a people are very complicated, we talk about our various "examples" of ourselves
  • Diction, what is it, the words an author chooses
    -How does one create the tone in a story (an author's attitude towards the audience and or the subject)
    -Hawthorne's diction influences the tone (non-cultural words "thither", remembrance of things past)
    -Hawthorne's syntax (his dialogue is short) Why? When you are walking their is a lot of dialogue going on)
  • Dialogue focuses on one thing at a time (understand what characters are going through)
  • Allusion is a reference to something that an author expects the reader should know
    -Genre is the classification of literature
    -Mood is the reader's emotion
    -Intransigent means to be stubborn and unwilling to change your views
    -Carping is to complain  
  • In "Young Goodman Brown" we see the sunset as a symbol, why is it a symbol, it's a border between time we can't see the unseen
    -Foreshadowing can allude to something that may happen later on in the story
  • The characters are what can develop a story and make it much more personal
    -Dynamic characters change all throughout the story
    -Static characters stay the same
  • Maybe not everything is always as clear cut and in front of your face as you want it to be
  • In a way "Young Goodman Brown" is taking a finger and pointing it at religion and saying that not everything is as it seems
    -Irony is when an author contradicts what we all believe is the opposite
    -Epigraph is something written before the beginning of the story
    -Self determination is going against your idea of what you should do

Fahrenheit 451 summary notes

  • Montag is introduced as a fireman, the tone immediately changes, Montag becomes a very different person when he takes off his firefighting uniform 
  • "Turned the corner" usually refers to beginning a new chapter of "something"
  • In the story the candle is referred to as a symbol of comfort, intimacy and is easily created
  • All science, starts with science fiction
    -Passage from Pg. 5
    "The autumn leaves blow over the moon lit pavement in such a way as to make the girl who was moving seemed fixed to a sliding walk, letting the motion of the wind and the leaves carry her forward."-sliding walk?? What does that mean, the wind itself cannot carry someone
    -Passage from Pg. 7
    "Her face bright and white as snow." The author is talking about his view of people, which in a sense is the babbling idiot inside all of us
  • Montag starts to realize how much Clarisse has gotten him to start thinking about himself and his relationship with his wife seems to be showing how there is a feeling of separation and as well as a lack of intimacy between the two of them.
  • Ray Radbury tries to predict many things that turn out to be happening in todays modern time
  • People have stories about to tell about big influences or changes in their life
  • The conflict between Captain Beatty and Montag are easily noted and we later learn more information about Beatty knowing that he is secretly a reader and that this conflict will continually start to manifest itself into another conflict.
  • Hero's Journey -A call for adventure
  • Pg.51 -Montag starts to have an epiphany and slowly begins to change his life, so he ultimately decides that the kerosene and matches need to be ditched immediately
  • Pg.52 -Montag becomes worried over whether or not to tell Beatty about asking for a day because he knows that Beatty is starting to grow suspicious of Montag's actions.
  • Pg.56 -"Click, Pic, look, eye, Now'' How is this essential to taking a photo or video?
  • An observation; the newspaper that we all get today would be the exact amount of news that people in the 18th century would get for their entire lives.
  • "I think, therefore I am"
    -Ergo, sum cogito ergo sum Reme desearts

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Fahrenheit 451 Response questions

1. The significance of the salamander in the story "Fahrenheit 451" I believe is that it has something to do with the fact that a salamander is a very small creature that is able to create a problem with the snap of your fingers. 
2. The inciting incident for me in the story was when Montag was sent to the older woman's home to burn her house because she was reading books. Throughout the conversation the old woman is pleading with Montag to not burn her books and destroy her house, it is here where Montag begins to feel real sense of sorrow for what he is about to do. When the kerosene is splashed around the entire house the old woman makes one last plea with Montag, "Don't burn my books." I believe that this qualifies an as inciting incident mainly because we start to see a shift in Montag from a static character to a dynamic character.
3. I believe that in Montag's mind, he views himself as a hero and that his actions are those of a hero. I do not feel that he is a hero in any way whatsoever.
4. Bradbury's tone throughout the story gives a feel of gloom and even confusion in a weird sort of way. The society that Bradbury creates makes the reader know that there is something very, very wrong yet no one seems to be willing to fix the problem/s.
5. The story itself is very sophisticated, where certain sentences are straight to the point whereas others are long, drawn out and overly descriptive.